
Lindsay – Awakened Wellness

Welcome to Awakened Wellness Retreats

Thank you for being here. My name is Lindsay and I am a holistic health practitioner and guide.

I specialize in providing you with a safe space to show up exactly as you are, while also serving as a catalyst for the positive change you are seeking.

I believe everyone is worthy of a life that feels vibrant and deeply fulfilling. But I also know many of us struggle with feeling stuck and overwhelmed, as though our best lives are always just out of reach.

Which is why Awakened Wellness was born. After years of living with a nagging feeling that something important was missing in my life, a health-related wake-up call sent me on a mission to figure out what it was.

Along the journey, my wellbeing totally transformed - not only did I feel healthier than ever, but I felt more alive, aligned and connected to my best self. My life was forever changed.

Now nothing brings me more joy than sharing my discoveries with others so they can connect with their own sense of peace, purpose and wellbeing, and feel free to share the best of themselves with the rest of the world.
